
This accidental piece of work occurred when placing my work in my portfolio, some how my screen koda trace managed to fit on top of a inspiration board almost picture perfect square to square. It has created a really busy layered effect. Mimicking the bustle of the Lanes.


Interesting display methods I came across when trying to make my wall art context pieces.

The middle image could almost be my actual wood samples printed and put up
And the last image could easily be created from the thickness of wood I've been working with, its still a form of wall art, it just has a different use.



I saw these wooden decorations and gift tags at a Christmas fayre. As long as the wood is lightweight and cut small enough these are another cheap to make, and mass produce product

These are wooden post cards. I think these are great and it could be used as ornamentation and decoration, its a way of preserving an item that can sometimes be overlooked or binned quite quickly.

Mixing textile and wood in unexpected ways.